Tag: eviction

Abandonment: Throw Away Trash, Not Your Rights

The abandonment process can be a quick and inexpensive way for a landlord to regain legal possession of leased property after a tenant vacates without formally surrendering the unit. However, it can also become a lengthy and expensive nightmare when done incorrectly. Too often we see landlords sued by tenants, because the landlord failed to [..]

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My Tenant Appealed!

CAN I STILL OBTAIN A WRIT OF POSSESSION? Your tenant failed to pay rent, possibly for months.  You gave proper notice to vacate, presented your case effectively at the eviction hearing, and received judgment from the justice of the peace awarding you with possession and back rent. A nightmare experience, perhaps, but at least it’s [..]

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My Tenant Skipped! What Do I Do Next?

When a tenant vacates the leased premises prior to the end of their lease, the landlord is often left with two key questions: 1) what am I required to do next, and 2) how can I collect? Even when your tenant skips, you still need to prepare a security deposit accounting. The Texas Property Code [..]

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Don’t Shoot: The Authority of Landlords to Ban Handguns

On June 13, 2015 Governor Gregg Abbot signed House Bill 910, better known as the “open carry” law, which became effective on January 1, 2016.  The law authorizes individuals with a concealed hand gun license to openly carry their handguns.  Many landlords have asked if and how they can prohibit handguns from being carried on [..]

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